Thursday, May 7, 2009

Orange women

I don't like to be the one to criticise anyone for trying to look their best. Far better that than letting oneself go, by any measure. But some people really should take a good look at themselves before they go out in public.

Take the runner I encountered while out on my evening lap last night. She probably didn't realise that her skin had taken on the radiance of an umpalumpah thanks to some over-eager self tanning. I would bet she certainly didn't know that the backs of her legs looked like she'd lost control of a certain bodily function after a particularly orange-looking curry. The streaks indicated a badly applied fake tan. But it was the colour which stood out.

On the off-chance of anyone reading this being new to the fake tanning craze, it should be known it is available in varying shades. They have been developed to suit all kinds of skin. The idea is that you pick a shade that looks like you might have caught a bit of sun rather than taken a dip in a vatt of creosote.

There is a difference between a healthy sun-kissed glow and glow-in-the-dark radioactivity. Unfortunately, these days one can achieve both by way of a lotion or a spray.

Good taste and judgement is not included.

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