Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SNS Herning at DSM: near the toilet

Here's SNS Herning's stall at Dover Street Market, right near the portaloo but the look of it. But don't try relieving yourself in there - in this emoprium of all that is weird and pricey, that there is a changing room.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Visvim 7 Hole '73: run of the mill

Now don't get me wrong. This is a nice pair of boots and are without doubt impeccably made. They are also a little bit more true to the original Vietnam-era jungle boots from which they are inspired. But it's those soles, you see? They're not white are they? Which means that Visvim has just trotted out the sort of thing that, to put it bluntly, any two-bit bootmaker might come up with.

If you're wavering on the white sole because everyone is sticking Vibram to their feet because of you Hiroki, at least give us the choice.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pendleton x Sophnet: it looks warm

It will, I am assured, get cold in the UK by the end of the month, because despite the protestations of my other half, as far as I am concerned, it's still warm out there.

So if you are one of those types who have been holding off on buying your winter coat (as retailers claim), you'll be delighted to see this collaboration between US outdoor equipment maker Pendleton and Sophnet of Japan. You'll also be pleased to note you'll have to go to Japan to get it. Where it will be cold.

Via slamxhype

Friday, November 25, 2011

Girls Friday: racy

Here's a little addendum to the Fiat 500 Abarth post from last week. It pretty much sums it up, really.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dieter Rams: back to basics

If you have an interest in design you will be aware of the impact of Dieter Rams on the objects of today. Which makes this video worth a look

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blec le Rat: who needs cake when you have a can

It's hard to believe that Blec le Rat, the pioneer of stencil art, the man responsible for inspiring the likes of Banksy and all manner of other street artists, is 60.

Which does drive home the fact that you could be a graffiti artist as well as a resident at a home for the elderly if you wanted to.

Blec celebrated his birthday with an exhibition consisting of giant sprayed canvases, which, while they may not feature the kind of witicism that made Banksy famous, do feature a certain charm.

Monday, November 21, 2011

McLaren cars: produced in luxury

I've been seeing this copper-coloured sports car driving around my town for a few weeks now and could never work out what it was until now.

It is most definitely a McLaren, judging by these pictures, which is pretty cool in a town where most of the fast cars are Porscehs with the odd Ferrari for good measure.

These are turned out in a state of the art production facility near Woking, Surrey which was designed by Norman Foster and has one of its two floors completely buried below ground. If you're going to build cars for a living, you'd surely want to build £100k sportscars in something that looked like the garage of the Starship Enterprise, wouldn't you?

Via Freshness

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fiat 500 Abarth: coming to America

This has been on my wishlist since it was released in ... oh ... 2008? At the rate I'm going it looks like you're going to be driving it in the US before me (unless you count the test drive).

But just seeing this in its black and red finery has brought the little Abarth back on my radar. 

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