Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cycle log 05/04/09

I've done two of my best times this week. The first was for my little evening sprint to the Kursaal in Southend and back. I don't tend to write about them because they're generally over before I can think of anything to write about and I do them so frequently.

My second best time was today, on another regular sprint, to Shoebury and back. 50 minutes 15 seconds for a 14 mile ride, which averages out at 16.7mph.

That's a whole 36 seconds off my previous best, and the funny thing is I thought I'd done crap. The wind was in my face on the way out and I didn't seem able to get any rhythm. Just goes to show.

My new best could have been down to the weather - gorgeous sunny day, a bit of wind though. It certainly wasn't down to the day trippers walking around looking at the sky.

Better get used to them though, small price to pay for summer riding.

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