Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cycle log 18/04/09

I used to love away days at the football - adrenalin pumping as we filled in the hours before the game drinking pints and eating pies at a random pub, not knowing if the game would produce a result, or if we would make it home without getting a kicking from the home team.

These days, travelling to a football game, even if it is down the road to watch Southend, doesn't even cross my mind - it takes more dedication than I can muster for a football team to follow them like faithful hounds.

Judging by the gatherings around the pubs along the seafront this morning, the Saturday ritual is still aided by a good few pints. I passed at 11.30am and away team supporters spilling onto the Golden Mile, colours flapping merrily in the breeze.

Good luck to them. At least if they're playing a club like Southend, they're going to get a result - and are unlikely to receive a kicking.

According to my speedo, I'm getting faster. My average speed for the Shoebury run this morning was 17.2mph. Compare that to about a month ago when I hit 16.5mph.

Of course, this is far from an exact science - atmospheric conditions are such a factor, it is difficult to compare times and speeds at all. Today was blustery, but the wind was coming from the north east, so I got broadsided a couple of times but I didn't really feel like it slowed me down much.

Time: 48.39mins
Distance: 14.02
Average: 17.2mph
Max: 29.6mph

Rapha clobber:
Team jersey
Arm warmers
Grand tour gloves
Racing cap
Merino socks

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